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Connectivity Order Form

Connectivity Order Form

Kymeta requires customers to submit the connectivity order form for all orders containing connectivity products. This includes adding or upgrading connectivity service to an existing terminal, or purchasing new hardware with connectivity services. Each connectivity order form supports one plan type. One form can include up to 10 terminals under the same plan, either for pooled or individual terminals.

Please complete the connectivity order form below. Kymeta cannot process your connectivity form without a corresponding purchase order. You may upload and submit your purchase order along with this completed form, or you may email it. If you have any difficulty using this form or if you want to email your purchase order, contact Kymeta at

Upload Purchase Order (or email us)

Please be sure not to miss this step as Kymeta cannot process your connectivity form without a corresponding purchase order.

Already Shipped means the terminal has already shipped to you or elsewhere. You will need to provide serial number(s). New Terminal Order means the terminal is being ordered and has not yet been shipped by Kymeta.
Must match purchase order.
Plan type must match Purchase Order.
Plan type must match Purchase Order. If your hybrid plan was quoted as two line items (a Kymeta Broadband GEO plan and a 99999x product code for the LEO plan), please select the Kymeta Broadband Plan in this field.
Must match Purchase Order.
If your quoted plan has a 99999* product code, please paste the exact quoted plan description here.
Yes means you would like Kymeta to enable cellular data capabilities on your Kymeta™ u8 terminal as a part of this Kymeta™ Broadband plan. Contact your sales representative for information on regional availability.
Yes means you would like Kymeta to pool all listed terminals together on one data package plan to share data usage in each month. Per terminal per month pooling fee applies; must be included on Purchase Order.

†The date specified in the Activation Date field authorizes Kymeta to begin billing the specified company for the connectivity plan identified in the Plan Type field. Per Kymeta price book policy, the activation date must be within one year from purchase order receipt for connectivity-only orders or within one year of terminal shipment orders containing new hardware with an accompanying connectivity plan.

Commissioning and billing

Terminal Information

  • Region of operation and modem make and model are required for all terminals covered on this form.
  • Serial numbers are required for all already-deployed Kymeta terminals and can be found on the terminal label or on the terminal box.
  • If you are buying a pooled plan that supports 10+ pooled terminals, please provide terminal information for the first 10 units here and work directly with Kymeta Customer Support when provisioning & commissioning your connectivity plan to provide details for the full total of terminals to be pooled.
Number of terminals being added on this form.

Thank you for your submission!

Your submission has been received and will be processed shortly. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you again for your time!