Connectivity Order Form

Kymeta requires customers to submit the connectivity order form for all orders containing connectivity products if they want to:

  • Add or upgrade connectivity service to an existing terminal
  • Purchase new hardware and connectivity services.

Each connectivity order form supports one plan type. One form can include up to 10 terminals under the same plan, either for pooled or individual terminals.

To submit the connectivity order form:

  1. Complete the connectivity order form below.
  2. Upload and submit your purchase order along with this completed form. Kymeta cannot process your connectivity form without a corresponding purchase order.

If you have any difficulty using this online form and prefer a fillable PDF version and/or want to email your purchase order, contact Kymeta at .

†The date specified in the Activation Date field authorizes Kymeta to begin billing the specified company for the connectivity plan identified in the Plan Type field. Per Kymeta price book policy, the activation date must be within 45 days of the purchase order receipt for connectivity-only orders or within 45 days of terminal shipment orders containing new hardware with an accompanying connectivity plan.