Intellian and Airbus to Integrate Kymeta mTenna Technology into Maritime Market
By Mai Hanoon | March 17, 2015 | Europe, North America, Regional, Satellite News Feed, ST Briefs, Technology
Kymeta and Airbus executives. Photo: Kymeta
[Via Satellite 3-17-2015] Kymeta announced partnerships with Intellian and Airbus Defence and Space to commercialize world-class next generation Ku-band maritime satellite terminals. The terminals, built by Intellian, will integrate Kymeta’s thin, flat, lightweight, electronically beam-steered mTenna satellite antennas, which are built on metamaterial-based technology.
Airbus intends to sell Kymeta’s new mTenna satcom antennas in key markets on an exclusive basis. The aerospace giant has plans to purchase maritime terminals, which will be combined with compelling new service offerings and made available to the commercial shipping and super-yacht market.
As part of the new agreement, Airbus Defence and Space is providing Kymeta with key strategic and market inputs to assist in developing mTenna systems for the maritime market, as well as providing pilot customers for a forthcoming testing program.
“Kymeta’s mTenna technology addresses the cost and complexity challenges in delivering mobile satellite connectivity in multiple mobility markets. This partnership will address existing markets, create entirely new markets, and further our vision of enabling lower cost, high-speed satellite Internet connectivity to millions of users anywhere in the world,” said Nathan Kundtz, president and CTO of Kymeta.
Read more at Satellite Today